Friday, 28 June 2013

No Boots On The Ground Until August

The tldr of this is I'm burnt out from Dust and I have pressing real life commitments. If you want more details, I've written some below.

Burnt Out From Dust

Playing a single game almost exclusively for about 6 months will burn anyone out. My expectations of how well the game would do were dampened by multiple issues with bugs, hardware limitations, mislabelled abilities, poor communication from devs (except logicloop, foxfour, nullarbor and that guy who helped fix mouse aiming), etc

I've actually started playing EVE again and the difference is startling. Crisp gameplay with relatively few bugs, game developers who come to the community for feedback weeks/months ahead of a release, being able to play with whoever I want, a community that doesn't yell racist bullshit over public comms, feeling like I'm making an impact on New Eden while still just being pick up and play.

I'm hoping 1.2 sees the game moving in that direction. The latest dev blog is already a good sign of things to come and by the time I'm back, hopefully we'll have some details on 1.3 to further that.

Real Life and Other Commitments

I've probably mentioned this more than enough times already, but I'm moving house in a couple months. This isn't just a simple pack up and move though, I have to get rid of about half of everything I own. This consists of going through old boxes of stuff I'd forgotten about and deciding what to do with them. Sometimes this is easy and sometimes you find an old letter from a deceased family member. Either way, it's time consuming and takes a lot of mental fortitude to get through.

Outside of this, I've also been working on another project with a friend called "The 3 Minute Update". After a ton of work, we finished up our first video and published it yesterday.

Why am I not dropping this over BOTG? Well for a start, this takes a lot less work to get set up and is relatively easy as far as the type of work goes. Uploading a video for it doesn't take up most of a day and it's fairly stress free as I'm only in charge of the video editing rather than hosting as well.

We've also publicly stated that there will be a new video every Thursday and since we're working with people who are much higher profile than us, it would be really bad if we couldn't manage that. There's some other stuff as well, like how videos aren't as time sensitive so I could queue several up to release automatically and how the money used from this will allow me to continue making more BOTG. Simply put, it isn't a project I can simply walk away from, nor do I want to.

Looking Forward

The only other thing I won't be doing is making the AT11 advert for EoN. It was silly and I might save it for some other propaganda in the future. In all likelihood, it would have been rejected by CCP anyway.

Other than that, I'll still be writing on here and putting up some videos on the channel. Just not as much as I am right now. Writing can be done in bursts, so I'll probably focus more on written content for now.

After I've moved, I'll have much faster internet. This means videos will go up in minutes instead of hours and I'll be able to live stream on Twitch. I'll likely be doing a lot of live streaming once I'm able, although probably not for content like BOTG. It's something I've done a fair amount of before and enjoy the hell out of too.

Anyway, it's only a month or so from now and I'll work on making the beginning of BOTG something memorable. How does a CCP member as a guest sound?

Monday, 24 June 2013

EVE 514: Friends With Benefits Part 1

Disclaimer: It should be noted that while this article isn't aimed at following the "Dust is doomed" bandwagon, it is true that the game has issues and those being fixed over the next 6 months will be key to Dust's future. Most of what I have written here has been from thoughts about the game over the past few months and would have been written despite the timing. It's also purely opinionated and merely for the sake of creating discussion. The Dust 514 roadmap devblog is also coming soon, but I'd like to put my 2 cents in regardless.


There's been a lot of discussion about the Dust/EVE link since the game came out of NDA. As of right now, the link between the games is barely noticeable. On the Dust side, we get slightly better orbital support given the right circumstances, but that is almost negligible. On the EVE side, we get POS bonuses that rely on Dust players picking certain ground structures and an advantage in taking systems in faction warfare that is hard to control on the Dust side. It's also worth noting that the rewards for these actions on the Dust side of things simply don't exist. A faction warfare battle gives no more than your average Skirmish match and the district structures that give bonuses give less income on the ground than the structure that doesn't.

Right now, the games don't really matter all that much to each other and Dust is getting the short end of the stick. This is supposedly getting improved with a new orbital system in the future, but having that edge still doesn't do much for the average Dust mercenary. The biggest idea that is being debated right now are ISK transfers between the games. This has issues with balance and could end up with situations where a trillionaire with a taste for FPS could run around in advanced tanks until the end of time. Even if the ISK transfers were heavily taxed, the potential disasters seem to be keeping it off the table currently. If either game failed with the other relying on such a system, it could very well hurt the other game.

But what if there was another way to link the games? If they need to work independently of each other, do they even need to be linked in such a direct manner?

Picture a faction warfare war-zone. The current mechanics on the EVE-side reward those that destroy enemies, work towards taking/defending systems and run PvE missions for their faction's militia. These rewards are increased by the amount of space you hold and upgrading the space you're in.

While this system isn't perfect, but Dust could also benefit from being a part of this. Right now planets affect faction warfare by altering the speed systems are taken. This is a nice benefit to EVE players, but provides nothing for Dust players that a simple public match doesn't (other than a sense of racial pride). Dust players could easily fit into the current system and even help fix one of it's flaws, but I'll get to that.

The first step is rewarding winners with loyalty points with a set amount. The base amount for a normal person winning a match will be named 'Tier 1' for now. For the sake of having a workable number, we'll put the reward at 50 LP for a victory.

The second step is giving mercs a choice if they want to sign up for a specific militia or stay as a strict third party. The benefits from joining up would be getting earlier access to faction warfare matches and victory rewards based on your chosen faction's tier. Higher tiers would mean potentially gaining 100/175/250/325 LP per victory. All of a sudden you now care about how well your faction is doing and your contribution to the war effort pays you back in kind. Third party mercs can still take part and will have the freedom to fight for who they want.

The third step is to allow mercs in a faction to donate LP to their faction's infrastructure hubs (thus increasing your faction's tier). There's an issue in faction warfare where those who benefit the most from the payout system are the ones who don't donate to iHubs. This could be alleviated somewhat by allowing mercs to also help donate. It isn't a perfect solution to the issue, but perhaps the increase in participants would allow for a more serious effort to maintain a higher tier. It also gives EVE and Dust players more incentive to work together.

The fourth step is adding more active battles. In EVE, there are always complexes (king of the hill hills) available all across the warzone. This allows space for those wanting to farm in remote corners while organized groups fight in the more important ones. With a way to show where the active systems are, organized groups could push those while rag tag groups fight over the less important systems.

The fifth step is to add faction rewards. The great things about these are that they can be used to experiment with variations of standard gear in a real environment. Maybe that sprint bonus from equipped armour plates wouldn't be great on a standard dropsuit, but if it's too good or too weak, you can tweak it without messing with the more commonly used standard gear.

Anyway, just some thoughts as I've spent the past week back in faction warfare on EVE. Faction warfare has some huge potential in Dust and is the perfect starting point to try new mechanics before putting them in the rest of the sandbox. If people are interested, I'll do a part 2 on some thoughts on linking the games outside of faction warfare.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

A Week Back In Galmil

So with a lot of people burnt out from Dust right now, I've picked up EVE again as my primary game of choice. I came to love EVE PvP last year after spending about 6 months in the Gallente militia. So with Dust on the back burner and EVE side orbital support being pretty much worthless, I moved my main back to Galmil.

I started by going to cash out the LP I had when I left to join GIANT, which went poorly after flying a regular Megathron into a high sec gate camp. It really hit home how overconfident I was compared to when I had left. This probably came from leaving when Gallente owned every system and the Caldari had dropped players like flies. Since then, the warzone is much more eqaul. Drunk and Disorderly are now pirates, the Caldari have grown in numbers and some of Villore Accords have split off.

But no matter, I bought a couple of Brutix instead and with my new found ISK, went to go get some more ISK. At first, this was easy, Gallente are sitting at tier 2 and I have time in the morning to play. The burst-like gameplay of PvP plexing makes for a good way to get writing and some other work done between fights.

At first it went OK, but my cap stable AB Incursus ran into problems quickly. I wasn't able to get on top of anyone and began to get kited by Condors repeatedly. This resulted in calling for help on multiple occasions. The first time this happened, the Condor had me pointed for 20 minutes while we both waited for friends to arrive. I messaged those passing by for help but only finding a ship-less friendly who promised to send word for help. Minutes passed as myself and the Condor continued to fly from the plex warp in. At what must have been around 500km, a hostile finally showed up, but more pirates and Gallente did too. As wrecks started to appear on d-scan, the hostile left the Condor and I to our strange tug of war.

Eventually a pirate Slasher appeared and started to burn towards us. As I awaited my slow death however, a Maulus also appeared. I hadn't played too much after Retribution, so was unfamiliar with what a Maulus was capable of. As the Maulus burned after the Slasher at over 6km/s however, I soon realized I was saved. As the Maulus caught the Slasher, slowly devouring it with drones, the Condor pulled off and I was free. My friend had also arrived but to no matter, I was safe for now and more plexing awaited.

This respite was to be short lived though. As another Condor caught me on an acceleration gate, a repeat of the last half hour dawned on me. Luckily my friend was still nearby and we actually got a chance to catch him. Sadly my friend burned out his web and we let him escape, but it was a good fight while it lasted and my taste for PvP left me wanting. A few more plexes and another Brutix sale later, I decided to step up my game and fly a Harpy instead.

Now this is where my time playing Dust had come in handy. A long break from EVE meant I wasn't logging in much, so I had decided to queue long skills such as Assault Frigate V. A small amount of playing in EVE fitting tool later and I had a Harpy build I was happy with. For those interested in the exact build, here's the loss mail. The Harpy was good for plexing. It could take on most other gun based destroyers and frigates while also being able to kill missile frigates. It's main issue was ships being able to escape with webs, but as I was able to stay on the plex while my enemies fled, it didn't matter too much.

I think I made around 400 million ISK from this Harpy while actively PvP'ing. The issue was having to run from other missile based platforms, but it did it's job well while it was alive. I decided to switch things up with it's successor however. The rocket launcher wasn't doing as much as I'd hoped, so I switched in a small neutraliser. This allowed me to do well in cap wars against the wave of repairing ships I was encountering. Like it's predecessor, it earned me a large chunk of change and I only lost it through attacking into an obvious trap. I'll likely fly more Harpies in the future, it's a great ship and I've got more ideas for how I want to fly it.

After all this, I'd plexed my account and had a big chunk of money left over to play with. Feeling the need to have a frigate that used a web, I did what anyone with more money than sense would do: I spent a quarter of a billion ISK on a Daredevil. The thing was a really beauty; multiple A-type modules, a faction web, a tight fit with a logical purpose and around 300 damage per second. I went to sleep last night happy with my purchase and after some early more Dust, decided to take it for a spin.

After a quick novice plex done, I moved on to the next system to do another. With 3 minutes left on the timer, I noticed a Merlin and a Tristan on short scan. I decided to stand and fight, not knowing whether I would win or lose against such a force. I felt confident in my chances though and it wasn't completely unfounded. The Tristan landed first and fearing ECM drones, I quickly jumped on top of it and overheated my guns to bring him down quickly. He was tougher than expected, but I was basically touching him, so my little Ion Blasters powered through and brought him down.

I rejoiced for about half a second before realizing I had been heavily by the Merlin and was in half armour. In my tunnel visioned blood-lust, I had forgotten to target the Merlin. With barely any capacitor left, I tried to drain some cap and started repairing again. I panicked and wasn't sure what to do. At first I fought back, but realized I should have run. I could have escaped him if I had wanted to, but I was too used to standing my ground. I died with barely any capacitor left, desperately trying to repair when I should have been webbing him. I flew my pod to the sun and with a "gf" in local, left to go find a new (cheaper) ship to start earning my way back up again.

Fare thee well Daredevil.

At the end of the day though, I'm having a blast. Solo PvP is insanely enjoyable and I'll be sure to fly more expensive ships to their doom. I have no idea what the future holds for my Dust corp and I may well get dragged into fighting for another militia. What I will say is I missed you Galmil and I hope we get to spend more time together.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

The Problem With Gear Scaling In Dust

So after playing yet another match against people in full prototype gear and watching those in standard or lower get chewed up, it's beginning to dawn on me how badly some of the modules in Dust scale. I've recently started PvP'ing in EVE again, so the comparison between the way each games handle tiers of modules is really being driven home.

In Dust, prototype gear is for the most part the only thing you want to use in a slot if you can manage it. The most extreme cases of this are with high slots. Advanced damage mods jump from a 5% damage increase per slot to a 10% damage increase with the prototype counterpart. Shield extenders double from a 33 bonus to shield health, to a 66 bonus. This leads people to ignore advanced versions of some modules because of how little benefit they give. It's far more beneficial to simply blaze the path to certain prototype modules, an advanced or prototype weapon and base what's left of your fit to support that.

There's also issues of the reverse happening. Basic armour plates are so good because of poor drawback scaling, that it's rare to see anyone going for higher tiers of plates. Having more health pales in comparison to being able to move around effectively and a 3% slowdown isn't huge.

The end result of this is that some modules are leaps and bounds ahead of everything else to the point of making certain modules worthless. This becomes a problem because the gap between tiers becomes wider the higher you go, a stark contrast to EVE and a balanced system in general.

If you look at how EVE does scaling by comparison, it's strange to see this issue coming up when they had such a good base to work from. In EVE, gear scales fairly evenly between each tier from a power perspective. However, the cost goes up exponentially with every upgrade. Lets take a look at the different ranks of Magnetic Field Stabilizers.

Meta LevelDamage MultiplierRate of Fire BonusCPU FittingCost (ISK)
Data taken from Dodixie.

As you can see, the differences in cost between each meta level (basic modules are a bit different) jumps in leaps and bounds. The differences in benefit however are much smaller, at around a 20% increase per meta level. Compare this to damage modules which go 3->3->5->10 in bonuses with a similar cost pattern. In EVE, a newer player can fit some meta 3 modules and not be at such a disadvantage in terms of ship strength. But in Dust, you're looking at 100% boost between ranks in some cases. This leaves new players at a bigger disadvantage than is necessary and forces grinds towards certain skills. It also makes certain advanced modules somewhat redundant. Why use 2 advanced damage mods when you could use a complex and save a high slot?

The differences in ranks should really be brought closer together while keeping a reasonable gap between ranks. 3/5/7/9 sounds better than 3/3/5/10 (damage mod/armour plate drawback) and 20/33/46/60 sounds better than 22/22/33/66 (shield extenders). Prototype would still be king, but more affordable fittings should actually be viable.

update: Someone on the feedback thread on the forums pointed out that with percentage based scaling, the shield extenders would give something like 22/27/32/39 or 34/42/53/66.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Boots On The Ground S01E13

Didn't talk much about a couple things last week because of time constraints and Hans being unavailable. We also talk a bit about E3 because that was a thing that happened this week.

Audio version on the sidebar ---->

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Boots On The Ground S01E12

After some technical hiccups on the guests end, we decided to use Skype. This process cut us short by about 40 minutes, so we had to rush things along towards the end. I'll try to get Mavado on again in the future, as he couldn't get Skype to work properly either.

Audio version on the sidebar ---->

Friday, 7 June 2013

Upcoming Planetary Conquest Battles 2013-06-07

  • Unlcaimed alliance losing ground in PC
  • Cronos making changes to timers in Almur
  • Imperfects trying to find out how many licks it takes to get to the centre of an Oddelulf III


Reinforce TimerPlanetDistrictCorporationStatus
0:00:00Sakulda VI12Red Star.Under Attack
1:00:00Altbrard VI9Ill OmensOnline
2:00:00Altbrard VI8TeamPlayersOnline
2:00:00Hedaleolfarber III8G I A N TLocked
4:00:00Altbrard VI3SyNergy GamingOnline
13:00:00Altbrard VI7Seraphim Initiative.Online
13:00:00Altbrard VI11Seraphim Initiative.Online
13:00:00Hedaleolfarber III12Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
13:00:00Sakulda VI3Seraphim Initiative.Online
14:00:00Sakulda V1Seraphim Initiative.Online
14:00:00Altbrard VI2Seraphim Initiative.Online
15:00:00Altbrard VI4Seraphim Initiative.Online
15:00:00Hedaleolfarber III7What The FrenchLocked
15:00:00Hedaleolfarber III11Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
15:00:00Sakulda V3Seraphim Initiative.Online
15:00:00Sakulda VI5Maphia Clan CorporationOnline
15:00:00Sakulda VI8Seraphim Initiative.Online
15:00:00Sakulda VI9Seraphim Initiative.Online
15:00:00Sakulda VI10BetaMax.Online
15:00:00Sakulda VII1What The FrenchLocked
15:00:00Sakulda VII2What The FrenchOnline
16:00:00Hedaleolfarber III2What The FrenchLocked
16:00:00Hedaleolfarber III6What The FrenchLocked
16:00:00Sakulda VI1Academy InfernoOnline
16:00:00Sakulda VI6Maphia Clan CorporationOnline
17:00:00Hedaleolfarber III3Seraphim Initiative.Online
17:00:00Altbrard VI1Seraphim Initiative.Under Attack
17:00:00Sakulda VI4Maphia Clan CorporationLocked
17:00:00Sakulda VI7Seraphim Initiative.Online
17:00:00Sakulda VI11BetaMax.Online
17:00:00Sakulda VII4What The FrenchUnder Attack
18:00:00Altbrard VI10Seraphim Initiative.Under Attack
18:00:00Altbrard VI13What The FrenchUnder Attack
18:00:00Sakulda V4Seraphim Initiative.Online
18:00:00Sakulda VI13BetaMax.Online
18:00:00Sakulda VII6What The FrenchUnder Attack
19:00:00Altbrard VI5What The FrenchUnder Attack
19:00:00Sakulda V2Seraphim Initiative.Online
19:00:00Sakulda V10Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
19:00:00Sakulda VII3What The FrenchUnder Attack
20:00:00Altbrard VI6Seraphim Initiative.Online
20:00:00Altbrard VI14Grupo de Asalto ChacalUnder Attack
20:00:00Sakulda V6Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
20:00:00Sakulda VI2Seraphim Initiative.Online
20:00:00Hedaleolfarber III1Seraphim Initiative.Online
21:00:00Altbrard VI12SyNergy GamingUnder Attack
21:00:00Hedaleolfarber III10Seraphim Initiative.Online
21:00:00Sakulda V5Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
21:00:00Sakulda V7Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
21:00:00Sakulda V9Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
22:00:00Hedaleolfarber III4RestlessSpiritsUnder Attack
22:00:00Hedaleolfarber III9Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
22:00:00Sakulda V8Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
23:00:00Hedaleolfarber III5Seraphim Initiative.Under Attack
23:00:00Sakulda VII5TeamPlayersLocked


Reinforce TimerPlanetDistrictCorporationStatus
1:00:00Meildolf V2ImperfectsOnline
1:00:00Meildolf V3ImperfectsLocked
1:00:00Meildolf V8187. 'Online
5:00:00Meildolf V6ImperfectsOnline
6:00:00Meildolf V4ImperfectsOnline
14:00:00Meildolf V9Nyain SanUnder Attack
16:00:00Meildolf V1LUX AETERNA INTLocked
17:00:00Meildolf V5LUX AETERNA INTLocked
17:00:00Meildolf V7SVER True BloodUnder Attack
23:00:00Meildolf V10ImperfectsLocked


Reinforce TimerPlanetDistrictCorporationStatus
0:00:00Klingt VIII4The Tritan IndustriesUnder Attack
1:00:00Aeditide VI5The Tritan IndustriesOnline
1:00:00Kadlina IV3Hellstorm IncUnder Attack
1:00:00Klingt VIII2Valor CoalitionOnline
1:00:00Klingt VIII6Pro Hic ImmortalisOnline
2:00:00Aeditide VI1KILL-EM-QUICKUnder Attack
2:00:00Aeditide VI2KILL-EM-QUICKUnder Attack
2:00:00Aeditide VI3United Pwnage ServiceOnline
2:00:00Aeditide VI6Inf4m0usOnline
2:00:00Aeditide VI7L.O.T.I.S.Under Attack
2:00:00Aeditide VI8L.O.T.I.S.Online
2:00:00Egbinger VII6Hellstorm IncLocked
2:00:00Kadlina IV2Hellstorm IncUnder Attack
2:00:00Klingt VI1KILL-EM-QUICKOnline
2:00:00Klingt VI2KILL-EM-QUICKOnline
2:00:00Klingt VI3ZionTCDUnder Attack
2:00:00Klingt VI4D3ath D3alersLocked
2:00:00Klingt VI6D3ath D3alersUnder Attack
2:00:00Klingt VIII8Pro Hic ImmortalisOnline
2:00:00Klingt VIII9Onslaught IncOnline
2:00:00Klingt X1HavoK CoreOnline
2:00:00Klingt X2Deadly Blue DotsOnline
2:00:00Klingt X3Deadly Blue DotsOnline
2:00:00Klingt X4L.O.T.I.S.Online
2:00:00Klingt X5L.O.T.I.S.Online
2:00:00Klingt X6L.O.T.I.S.Online
2:00:00Klingt X7Psygod9Under Attack
3:00:00Egbinger VII5Onslaught IncOnline
3:00:00Kadlina IV1Hellstorm IncUnder Attack
3:00:00Klingt VI5D3ath D3alersOnline
3:00:00Klingt VIII3The Tritan IndustriesOnline
4:00:00Egbinger VII3Onslaught IncOnline
6:00:00Aeditide V6The Southern LegionOnline
6:00:00Aeditide V9The Southern LegionOnline
6:00:00Egbinger VII1The Southern LegionOnline
6:00:00Kadlina IV5The Southern LegionUnder Attack
7:00:00Aeditide V3The Southern LegionOnline
7:00:00Aeditide V7The Southern LegionOnline
7:00:00Aeditide V11The Southern LegionOnline
8:00:00Aeditide V8The Southern LegionOnline
8:00:00Aeditide V10The Southern LegionOnline
8:00:00Kadlina IV7The Southern LegionOnline
9:00:00Aeditide V2The Southern LegionLocked
9:00:00Aeditide V4The Southern LegionOnline
9:00:00Aeditide V5The Southern LegionOnline
9:00:00Kadlina IV6The Southern LegionOnline
9:00:00Klingt VIII1Valor CoalitionOnline
12:00:00Aeditide V1The Southern LegionOnline
12:00:00Egbinger VII4The Southern LegionOnline
12:00:00Kadlina IV4The Southern LegionOnline
14:00:00Klingt VIII7Pro Hic ImmortalisUnder Attack
15:00:00Klingt VI7Nyain SanOnline
16:00:00Klingt VI9Nyain SanOnline
17:00:00Aeditide VI10Academy InfernoOnline
17:00:00Aeditide VI12Academy InfernoOnline
18:00:00Aeditide VI11Academy InfernoLocked
18:00:00Egbinger VII2KILL-EM-QUICKUnder Attack
18:00:00Aeditide VI3United Pwnage ServiceLocked
18:00:00Klingt X8LUX AETERNA INTUnder Attack
19:00:00Aeditide VI9Academy InfernoOnline
19:00:00Klingt VI8KILL-EM-QUICKUnder Attack
19:00:00Klingt VIII10Onslaught IncLocked
21:00:00Aeditide VI4KILL-EM-QUICKUnder Attack
21:00:00Egbinger VII7Ill OmensLocked
22:00:00Klingt VIII5The Tritan IndustriesOnline


Reinforce TimerPlanetDistrictCorporationStatus
0:00:00Mimiror IX3ZoinTCDUnder Attack
0:00:00Osveteur V1187. 'Under Attack
0:00:00Osveteur V30uter.HeavenUnder Attack
0:00:00Skarkon II2SVER True BloodUnder Attack
1:00:00Ennur VI3Psygod9Under Attack
1:00:00Mimiror IX6D3ath D3alersLocked
1:00:00Osveteur V70uter.HeavenUnder Attack
1:00:00Osveteur V11D3ath D3alersLocked
1:00:00Skarkon II4Murderz for hireUnder Attack
2:00:00Ennur VI2Murderz for hireUnder Attack
2:00:00Mimiror IX2Pro Hic ImmortalisUnder Attack
2:00:00Osveteur V12KILL-EM-QUICKUnder Attack
2:00:00Skarkon II5OSG Planetary OperationsUnder Attack
3:00:00Osveteur V2HavoK CoreOnline
3:00:00Osveteur V60uter.HeavenUnder Attack
3:00:00Osveteur V9KILL-EM-QUICKOnline
3:00:00Skarkon II3OSG Planetary OperationsUnder Attack
4:00:00Ennur VI6Intrepidus XIOnline
7:00:00Osveteur V13The Southern LegionUnder Attack
15:00:00Mimiror IX1Pro Hic ImmortalisOnline
17:00:00Ennur VI1Ahrendee MercenariesOnline
18:00:00Mimiror IX7Vacuum Cleaner. LLCOnline
19:00:00Ennur VI4Ahrendee MercenariesOnline
19:00:00Osveteur V4Red Star.Under Attack
21:00:00Ennur VI5Ahrendee MercenariesOnline
21:00:00Mimiror IX5ZionTCDUnder Attack
21:00:00Mimiror IX8KILL-EM-QUICKUnder Attack
21:00:00Osveteur V14D3ath D3alersUnder Attack
21:00:00Skarkon II1Valor CoalitionLocked
22:00:00Mimiror IX4KILL-EM-QUICKLocked
22:00:00Osveteur V5The Tritan IndustriesUnder Attack
22:00:00Osveteur V10Pro Hic ImmortalisLocked
23:00:00Osveteur V80uter.HeavenUnder Attack


Reinforce TimerPlanetDistrictCorporationStatus
0:00:00Bosena IX5Hellstorm IncOnline
1:00:00Bosena IX4Molon Labe.Online
1:00:00Oddelulf III14Not GuiltyOnline
2:00:00Bosena IX1Hellstorm IncLocked
2:00:00Bosena IX6Molon Labe.Online
2:00:00Bosena IX7ImperfectsOnline
3:00:00Bosena IX13Ill OmensOnline
3:00:00Oddelulf III22Not GuiltyLocked
5:00:00Bosena IX8WarRavensLocked
5:00:00Oddelulf III15Grupo de Asalto ChacalUnder Attack
6:00:00Oddelulf III16Grupo de Asalto ChacalLocked
12:00:00Oddelulf III19Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
13:00:00Bosena IX10What The FrenchOnline
13:00:00Oddelulf III24Seraphim Initiative.Online
14:00:00Bosena IX12What The FrenchOnline
14:00:00Oddelulf III8Seraphim Initiative.Online
14:00:00Oddelulf III9Seraphim Initiative.Online
14:00:00Oddelulf III18Grupo de Asalto ChacalOnline
15:00:00Bosena IX2Seraphim Initiative.Online
15:00:00Bosena IX11Seraphim Initiative.Online
16:00:00Oddelulf III1Seraphim Initiative.Online
16:00:00Oddelulf III2Seraphim Initiative.Online
16:00:00Oddelulf III10Seraphim Initiative.Online
16:00:00Oddelulf III11BetaMax.Under Attack
17:00:00Oddelulf III7Seraphim Initiative.Online
17:00:00Oddelulf III13BetaMax.Online
17:00:00Oddelulf III20Seraphim Initiative.Under Attack
17:00:00Oddelulf III23BetaMax.Online
17:00:00Bosena IX9Seraphim Initiative.Online
18:00:00Oddelulf III6What The FrenchUnder Attack
18:00:00Oddelulf III12BetaMax.Under Attack
19:00:00Oddelulf III5What The FrenchUnder Attack
19:00:00Bosena IX3Seraphim Initiative.Online
20:00:00Oddelulf III17Grupo de Asalto ChacalUnder Attack
20:00:00Oddelulf III21Seraphim Initiative.Online
21:00:00Oddelulf III3ImperfectsUnder Attack
22:00:00Oddelulf III4What The FrenchUnder Attack


Reinforce TimerPlanetDistrictCorporationStatus
0:00:00Aedald II1The GeneralsOnline
0:00:00Aedald II6Not GuiltyOnline
0:00:00Audesder III4Ill OmensOnline
0:00:00Hrober V1ImperfectsLocked
0:00:00Muttokon II1Ill OmensLocked
0:00:00Muttokon II2SyNergy GamingOnline
1:00:00Aedald II3TeamPlayersOnline
1:00:00Audesder VII1Ill OmensLocked
1:00:00Muttokon II4SyNergy GamingOnline
1:00:00Muttokon II8Red Star.Online
2:00:00Aedald II4The GeneralsOnline
2:00:00Audesder III5Ill OmensOnline
2:00:00Audesder VII5Not GuiltyOnline
2:00:00Audesder VII7SyNergy GamingOnline
2:00:00Hrober VIII3Nyain SanLocked
2:00:00Hrober VIII6S.eV.e.NLocked
2:00:00Hrober VIII9Cygnus Tactical OperationsOnline
2:00:00Muttokon II5TRUE TEA BAGGERSOnline
3:00:00Aedald II5SyNergy GamingOnline
3:00:00Audesder III3Not GuiltyLocked
3:00:00Audesder VII9ROGUE SPADESOnline
3:00:00Hrober V5ImperfectsOnline
3:00:00Hrober VIII5S.eV.e.NOnline
3:00:00Muttokon II7TeamPlayersOnline
4:00:00Aedald II7Ill OmensLocked
4:00:00Audesder VII2G I A N TOnline
4:00:00Audesder VII3DUST UniversityLocked
4:00:00Hrober V3Internal Error.Online
4:00:00Hrober V4Nyain SanOnline
4:00:00Muttokon II6Ill OmensOnline
5:00:00Audesder III6Ill OmensOnline
5:00:00Audesder VII6ROGUE SPADESOnline
5:00:00Hrober V2ImperfectsOnline
5:00:00Muttokon II3SyNergy GamingOnline
6:00:00Hrober VIII8New Eden's Most WantedOnline
18:00:00Audesder VII4Seraphim Initiative.Under Attack
19:00:00Hrober VIII4Forsaken ImmortalsLocked
21:00:00Aedald II2Red Star.Online
21:00:00Audesder III1Ill OmensLocked
21:00:00Hrober VIII7GoonfeetUnder Attack
22:00:00Audesder III2Ill OmensLocked
22:00:00Hrober VIII2ImperfectsOnline
22:00:00Hrober VIII10GoonfeetLocked
23:00:00Audesder VII8SyNergy GamingLocked
23:00:00Audesder VII10Ahrendee MercenariesOnline
23:00:00Hrober VIII1GoonfeetOnline