So the time has come to start putting a more serious effort into whatever it is I'm doing with Dust. For the most part, I've been charging into things with rough ideas. This has taught me a lot about myself, producing content and where I want to go with things.
When I first decided I wanted to try and produce content for Dust, a friend I'd worked with before said to me, "do you think you're interesting enough?" I've since come to realize he had a good point. At this point in time, CEOPyrex, DStheDrunkHeavy and lowratehitman are all better at doing regular videos that involve themselves talking while playing than I am. In all likelihoods, this will always be the case and I should accept that while moving on to things I am good at. I spent two days depressed about (not) doing a "5 issues I had with Uprising" because talking into a mic for 5 minutes solid is that far removed from my comfort zone. I also spend the hour before each Boots on the Ground with knots in my stomach for similar reasons (although am fine during the show).
So now that I know what my weaknesses are, it's time to focus where I'm strong. Writing doesn't make me nervous at all, so when I have an opinion on something, you'll be finding it here. This might not always Dust and EVE related, but for the most part will be. My other main strength is in being consistent. The only reason you don't see a Boots on the Ground every week is scheduling issues with guests, I could do 2 shows a week and be fine but my method of organizing who comes on the show every week has been lacking. This will need fixed as I plan to make more weekly content.
So with all that said, here's what's coming.
Boots on the Ground
I'm changing how I manage guests for shows starting now. Instead of creating new Skype groups every week, there will be one group that has everyone who is interested in being on the show in. Every week I'll say when the next show will be recorded and people interested in being on the show can message me. If you want in this group you will need the following.
- To be at least 18 years of age (legal reasons).
- A good quality mic and an image of yourself, your EVE/Dust character or a webcam.
- 2 hours of free time that doesn't involve getting scolded by family.
If you want into this group, you can contact me via Skype, Youtube or twitter (@GimbleB).
Aside from that, I only need to get some artwork and the RSS feed for audio downloads done, but that will come later.
Frontlines is currently pegged as a weekly show that highlights Planetary Conquest activity in Dust. The rough outline is for the show to last 5 to 10 minutes, talking about Dust and EVE fights that have taken place. Youtube annotations will be used to promote videos of both games for those interested in seeing the action itself. All content on the show will be community sourced.
Threads for this will appear on the "My Dust" and "My EVE" forum sections within 24 hours of this post with an accompanying blog post.
Other Content
I will continue to post more content on Youtube outside of these two shows. This will include but not be limited to corp battles, frag videos, humorous videos (LAV racing), EVE battles and videos to match written guides.
I will also start writing guides for fittings (both Dust and EVE), updates on the channel, thoughts on Dust/EVE/Gaming and more.
For now though, I've got work to do. Boots on the Ground 9 and the Frontlines pilot will be up next weekend. New blog post tomorrow.
Look forward to seeing what you put out there.